Reichsrat Von Buhl Riesling wine, originating from the Rheingau wine region in Germany, has been handcrafted in an eternal style since its establishment in 1849. Certified organic, it is an active ambassador for natural, sustainable grape cultivation and the best German wines. It actively promotes VDP top wineries in Germany and wholeheartedly recommends the best German Riesling wine products to Chinese consumers.
Vintage: 2020
Product type: Semi-dry
VDP certification level: VDP certified quality wine from the Rheingau region
German Agriculture Ministry organic wine certification number: BIO-WEIN DE-OKO-003
Quality Inspection number: L.A.P.NR.5 106 044 1021
Retail price including tax (CNY): 490.00
Production region: Rheinland-Pfalz
Origin and bottling: Imported from Germany in its original bottle
Bottling date: March 10, 2022
Ingredients: Grape juice
Storage conditions: Store in a dark and cool environment (8-12℃)
Producer: Reichsrat von buhl
Alcohol content: 11.5% vol
Net content: 750mL